GHR Ooty 2018 Finisher Medal
Like in previous years, the Go Heritage Run Ooty 2018 finisher medal is handcrafted and embroidered by Toda artisans. The embroidery work known as Pukhoor is GI certified too – meaning it can only be called so if it is made in the Nilgiris.
Unlike in previous years however, the finisher medal this year … isn’t really a medal. It is a Toda-embroidered bracelet with an elastic band that can be worn all day long. It is not just a pretty souvenir, it’s usable too – striking a healthy balance of both form and function. The bracelets are embroidered in red and black in traditional Toda designs and are being created by Shalom Ooty, a self-help women’s group who have been providing a livelihood for Toda women since 2005.
Get yours when you sign up for GHR Ooty this June!